Closed for the Season!

See you the last weekend in June or the first weekend in July.

Thank you for a great season!

Thank you for support. We exist because of you!


Meet the Flukes

County Line Orchard is a family run farm.

Why County Line?

We’re more than a produce stand, we grow apples, peaches, blueberries, and other fruits. We’re known in our community for high quality fruit, our picturesque setting, and continued relationships in the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch Country. Our products are sold through the Market at the farm and during Apple and Blueberry season and we welcome you to pick-your-own fruit and build memories surrounded by all our farm has to offer, our orchard has been growing memories since 1982.

What’s Going on at the Orchard?

Availability Dates


Preliminary first availability dates for 2024 are:

Blueberries - June 28

Pick Your Own Blueberries - June 28

Cherries - June 22

Apricots - June 22

Peaches - Beginning in July

Gala Apples - Sep 3

Honeycrisp Apples - Sep 10

Pick Your Own Dates

July 1 through mid August.

September through first freeze in November.

Varieties and probable picking dates are listed below:

Gala - First half of September
Honeycrisp - September 10 - ?
Jonathan - September 17 -?
Early Fuji - September 17 through 26
Crimson Crisp - September 26
Melrose - starting September 26 or 1st week in October
Golden Delicious - starting last week September
Ida Red - starting 1st week October
Suncrisp - starting 1st week October
Rome - starting mid October
Keepsake - starting 3rd week of October
Goldrush - starting 4th week of October